A Dream Come True

My Very Good Life

by Eva Galambos



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/03/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781456748821
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781456748838

About the Book

This account covers so many sites—a railway station in Berlin, Germany in 1933, a penthouse overlooking the mountains that surround Genoa, Italy, the World War II experience of picking cotton while an Athens, GA, high school student, to Atlanta, to St. Louis, to Chicago and eventually to the newly formed city of Sandy Springs, GA, which she created and leads as Mayor.

The major issues of life in America for the past 60 years are addressed through the life of an unusual lady with humor as well as mature perception. The struggle between labor and management, the women’s movement (we’ve got to get out into the world), the racial conflicts that engulfed the nation and especially the South, and the conflict between central cities and their suburbs, and finally the sometimes ridiculous aspects of politics all come alive as Eva narrates the twists and turns of her unusual life.

About the Author

Eva Galambos’s life experiences touch so many aspects of the American experience! She escaped the Nazis in the 1930’s, and then grew up in a typical small Southern town. But then her path diverged from the ordinary. With a master’s in the strange discipline of “Labor and Industrial Relations” she entered the Atlanta labor market and embarked on a series of unusual jobs, while supporting her new husband in medical school. From riding a locomotive to analyzing the wages of porpoise trainers, each challenge led to new adventures, and to a life totally out of the ordinary.

The 1960s, while raising a family, find Eva heavily embroiled in the social and cultural waves that engulfed the nation. While participating with community leaders in an effort to revitalize her suburban area, suddenly the news came on the radio that Martin Luther King had been murdered.

The women’s movement finds Eva and her friends questioning their roles as wives and mothers as they were bombarded with ever growing challenges to enter the work force and compete with the men.

A PhD in Economics leads Eva into new endeavors and an ever growing role in the political arena. The explosion of the suburbs and the attempt by the central city (Atlanta) to annex her suburb of Sandy Springs catapulted Eva into a thirty year leadership to gain incorporation of her area. In a state where the General Assembly controls local matters, her fight to gain cityhood involved years of lobbying and exposure to the political currents of the times.

Today Eva Galambos serves as Mayor of the City of Sandy Springs (7th largest in the State) after reelection for a second term at 81 years of age. The city is a “poster child” for public/private partnership, with all the major services outsourced to and performed by a private firm.