We Climbed Every Mountain

The Life Story of Don and Bonnie Peterson

by Bonnie Peterson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/08/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781463408060

About the Book

Don & Bonnie Peterson were both born with cerebral palsy; at a time when little was known about this condition. Don spent the first 14 years of his life in and out of hospitals undergoing surgeries the medical profession thought "might" correct his deformities. Bonnie progressed through the public school system with her own set of challenges since public education for the disabled was not a common occurrence during the 50s and 60s. Don and Bonnie both went on to college. A mutual friend insisted they meet each other and two years later they were married. Don worked as a tax examiner for I.R.S. for 30 years and Bonnie started a secretarial service to help with the family income. They raised two fine boys and now enjoy the blessings of 9 grandchildren. Even though cerebral palsy is not a progressive condition, Don's physical condition deteriorate over the last 15-20 years of his life till by the time he passed away (December 2011) he was unable to do anything for himself; he was fed through a feeding tube, was on oxygen 24 hours a day and had a tracheotomy for suctioning. Bonnie did most all of Don's care up until about a year before his death when the 24/7 schedule became more than any one person could do. But together they climbed and conquered every mountain.

About the Author

The author, Bonnie Peterson, and her husband Don, both lived with cerebral palsy their entire lives. Their religious background, along with close family ties and loving and supportive friendships helped them to live a positive and productive life style. They met and married in 1969, a time in history when society had not fully realized that people with disabilities have the same dreams and goals as others - that of marrying, raising a family and holding down a full time salary job. Don and Bonnie did all this and more. They were blessed with two sons and nine grandchildren. Don passed away in December of 2009, but Bonnie continues to live independently in Fresno, California as she operates her own business, enjoys time spent with grandchildren, serves on the Board of Directors for UCP of Central California (in Don's place), and is actively involved in her church.