In Loving Tribute to Our Son, Eric

by Frank Caldwell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/06/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781463400804

About the Book

When a father is robbed of his only child in a terrible auto accident, words seem to flow in this truly inspirational journal. Frank Caldwell shares not only his intense sorrow, but also his decisions to survive his grief while creating some way to touch others in honor of his son.

About the Author

Frank Caldwell as an author? That would be funny if it was not for the subject matter. I`m just a grieving father who lost his only child in the blink of an eye. After the shock of losing my son I could have either climbed in a hole or done something to honor Eric`s memory. This book is my "Journey Into Darkness" and the strength I have found trying to get up ever morning and to move on. If it gives peace or inspiration to one other parent who has started down this dark road then I have accomplished my goal. Connie and I are proud to still live in "Small Town USA ", Alexandria , Indiana.