Shad's Awakening

by Helmut W. Horchler



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/07/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 404
ISBN : 9781463405793
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 404
ISBN : 9781463405786

About the Book

A young man is driven to do the unthinkable, killing his abusive stepfather. Sent to prison, he escapes and assumes a new identity and embarks on a meaningful career, but his crime continues to haunt him. Upon retirement from a successful calling he suddenly fi nds himself widowed and emotionally adrift. His loneliness has robbed his life of meaning and he struggles with fi nding a new purpose while reliving his colorful past.

Spanning fi fty tumultuous years, this novel entices with its exotic locales and the complex people and unusual women he encounters. The answer to his despondency seems to lie in moving into a modern retirement community where he will be among friends and where organized activities would keep him distracted and eliminate his boredom and frustrations.

Then a young massage therapist turns his ordered existence upside down. Rich in drama, foreign environments, human interest and eroticism, this story captures the host of fascinating characters who have shaped him.

About the Author

Born in Germany, the author grew up bi-lingually. Before retiring as an executive of the pharmaceutical industry, he spent 18 years working and traveling throughout Asia and the Far East. He has been devoting himself to his passion of writing full time and has published four previous books. His visits to more than seventy countries give him unique insights and understanding of different cultures and environments, as this novel clearly reflects. He is an enthusiastic collector of Native American art. Much as the whole boomer generation now entering retirement age, he has struggled with the dilemma of possibly moving into a retirement community. He has seen first hand how friends and relatives have coped with this difficult choice and he has given voice to how one man, a recent widower, deals with his inner turmoil and eventual awakening as he comes to grips with his dark past. The author resides with his wife in Fort Worth, TX. and La Jolla, CA.