A Leap to Everyday Spirituality

In the Eternal Atmosphere of Possibilities

by Edgar K. DeJean



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/12/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781467870597
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781467870580

About the Book

This book is directed toward fulfilling the wisdom of Yogi Berra as stated in the Preface of the book:

“You got to be very careful if you don’t know Where you’re going, because you might not get there.”

There are some readers whose traditional bents may lead them to question the direction(s) the book is taking. The author concedes this but hopes that his integrity of purpose (“where he’s going”) will lead to consideration as opposed to consternation. Here, in no rigid linear sequence, are some (not all) of the areas the book explores. The primate as animal evolved to become the primate as human, first through an awareness of compassion (responsible to species) and later through an awareness of religion (response-able to God). Why, then, has the human forsaken the value and purposefulness of compassion that permitted humanity to evolve and survive, and has become obsessed with taking religious beliefs too seriously (e.g. religious chaos, religious wars)?

In keeping with Yogi Berra’s advice the book was given a sense of direction. First it would explore examples of taking life too seriously. Then expand to observations of taking one’s beliefs too seriously followed by taking religion too seriously (religiosity) and finally arrive at taking theology inappropriately – where the author suggests that traditionalism and theism have brought Christianity today.

The book offers the thought that two essential human capabilities within the purpose for existence are underutilized by humanity: compassion and spirituality. It concludes with the question: Could the intentional utilization of these two possibilities as capabilities support the morphing of Christianity?

This book (“A Leap to Everyday Spirituality, In the Eternal Atmosphere of Possibilities”) is a candid invitation to readers to explore their beliefs, not a request to agree with the author.

About the Author

How does an author tell a readership enough about himself/herself that readers acknowledge the writer as authentic?

How does a biography avoid an appearance of boasting?

How can a writer fulfill both of these requirements?

This writer believes himself to be an average church member adequately engaged in the mission of Christianity and of his particular denomination (Presbyterian USA) to write authentically to the church and to a general readership. He is a lifelong Presbyterian who has been an elder in his local church for over 60 years serving his share of duties vital to its continued existence. He has participated in the next higher judicatory (presbytery) as a frequent committee member, on multiple commissions, twice as moderator of presbytery plus as a delegate to multiple general assemblies.

A current, circulating admonition states: “Christianity must change or die.” This writer’s experiences lead him to observe that this is a credible concern. However his trust in the core values of Christianity as they can be practiced would soften that phrase to, “Christianity can morph and survive.”

In the Robert Wright book, “The Evolution of God,” the following quote summarizes the desperate need for morphing: “Any religion whose prerequisites for individual salvation don’t conduce to the salvation of the whole world is a religion whose time has past.”

Because this writer discerns hope that Christianity can morph and survive to “conduce to the salvation of the whole world” does not mean that he is boasting that it will be easy or that he knows how to effect it. It means that he sees it as a preeminent