The Cur

A Tale about the Man who Accompanied Jesus into the Wilderness

by Timothy W. Bingham



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/09/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781481758222
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781481758215

About the Book

The story tells the tale of Korre, a young man who grew up in Brittania at the time of Jesus. Our story begins when Korre is captured outside his home village in Brittania and sold to slave traders who, in turn, sell him to a gladiator school. Once trained as a gladiator, Korre fights three times in the Roman arena before being bought by a Roman official to serve as a bodyguard. The official takes Korre with him to Judea, and when the official is assassinated there, Korre is forced to become a Roman soldier. All of the events in Korre’s life prepare him to be Jesus’ companion and protector during Jesus’ time in the wilderness before his ministry becomes public.

About the Author

Timothy W. Bingham is a lawyer living in Pennsylvania. He thought up the story of The Cur for his children when they were growing up. Each night at bedtime, he would cuddle up with his daughter and son to see what the next chapter of The Cur would bring. His daughter Katherine credits these bedtime tales of the Cur as having been influential in her decision to become an Episcopal priest. Now retired, Mr. Bingham has put this story down for his grandchildren and other young people.