Bloody Kansas

A Saga of the West

by Dick W. Zylstra



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/04/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781468537178

About the Book

After the Civil War, seven veterans migrate to Kansas to start new lives. These are their stories of battling Indians, the hardships and loneliness of developing farms, the perils and ingenuity of building a cattle ranch, and the dangers faced by townspeople. Settling the state with its numerous Indian tribes was no picnic, as these stories depict.

About the Author

He has had five books, 11 plays, poetry and articles published. Seven plays were produced in theaters in New York and other venues around the country, and he has produced/directed a 94-minute film from one of his plays. He has worked at United Press, Popular Mechanics Magazine, and spent 25 years writing advertising at pharmaceutical companies and at such agencies as J. Walter Thompson, BBDO, Grey Advertising and Young & Rubicam.