by Gehleigbe Bobson Bleh



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/09/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 82
ISBN : 9781467883917

About the Book

God Speaks to Liberians at Home and Abroad is the Author’s call to all Liberians to prioritize covenant faithfulness to God, the rebuilding of Liberia, reconciliation, forgiveness and good stewardship that can lead to total freedom for all Liberians. Liberians at home refers to politicians, civil servants, religious leaders, business people, farmers, community leaders, chiefs, elders, students, etc., who did not leave the country since the emergence of the bloody and senseless war created as the result of power greed. These persons experienced every bit of the war, for they had nowhere to run. Thousands were killed in cold blood at the hand of wicked men and women who claimed to be liberators. Other refuses to die outside their motherland and they cried, “It is better for me to die in my own country than to die in next men country.” Liberians Abroad refers to those Liberians who have left the country prior to the civil for the purpose of education, economic prosperity or greener pastures, but failed to help develop Liberia. Some of those Liberians say the worse things about homeland. The next group in this category are those Liberians who were forced to fl ee the country because of the war and found themselves in refugee camps around the world. These are the most hurt people in that they lost their homes, properties, love ones and freedom. It my prayer that as we read and reflect on the message of the Book of Haggai, you will take consolation in the word of God like the children of Israel, who lived in exile for seventy years. Finally, they returned home and began to rebuild their nation. As we sit by our rivers of Babylon, we should remember Liberia, our Zion, and Sweet Land of liberty.

About the Author

Gehleigbe Bobson Bleh comes from Yarsonnoh, Nimba County, northeastern Liberia. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior during his primary school at the Duo Public School (1983). He completed his Junior High School education at the John Wesley Pearson Junior High School (1988) and subsequently enrolled at the Ganta United Methodist Senior High school (GUMS) in March 1989. He was awarded work grant scholarship by the school to enable him complete his studies. In 1990 Bobson was forced to flee into exile due to the Liberian Civil War. As refuge in the Ivory Coast, he continued his education at the Protestant Methodist Resources Center organized by United Methodist missionary couple, Herbert and Mary Zigbuo, heads of the Ganta United Methodist School and sponsored by the Operation Classroom of Indiana USA, for the education of Liberian refugees. On March 29, 1993, Bobson completed his high school studies. In September of the same year he enrolled at the Ghana Christian College and Seminary (now Ghana Christian University) and graduated in 1996. After this he returned to the Ivory Coast, where he taught at a refugee school for a year. From 1997 to 2002 Liberia and work as a teacher at his Alma meter, the Ganta United Methodist School. He earned his Master of Art degree in Adult Education from the Wisconsin International University College, Ghana Bobson is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and he took his first pastoral appointment at the Miller McAllister UMC, where he served as associate Pastor for four years. He also served the Gompa District as District Evangelist, where he planted churches and revitalized over forty congregations and structured them into eight pastoral Areas or circuits. Bobson also served as instructor for Bible and Religious Education at the Ganta United Methodist School and the Winifred J. Harley College of Health Sciences, United Methodist University (UMU). He as senior pastor of the First United Methodist Church in Sanniquellie, Nimba County (2002). In 2004 Bobson was the Evangelist appointed to the United Methodist Church Ministry at the Buduburam United Methodist Church in Ghana. He planted a church in Kasoa, a commercial Town outside Accra, on the Accra-Winneba motorway. From 2005-2011, Bobson served as the Supervising Pastor of the Guinea Ministry of the United Methodist Church, Republic of Guinea, West Africa; where He supervised the affairs of over ten congregations. Bobson works with his conference board of ordained ministry as the Chairman for the Gompa District Committee ordained Ministry, Liberia Annual Conference The United Methodist Church. Bobson has traveled and preached in three West African Countries: Ivory Coast, Guinea and Ghana. His mission in is to plant indigenous United Methodist Churches in West Africa and beyond as the Lord leads. He is married to Susannah Paye-Tee Bleh and this union is blessed with two beautiful girls: Marthalene Kou-Walakewon, Thalee Sue Grace, and Caroline Lorkeak. Bobson currently lives in Yekepa, his birth city, where he serves as the Senior Pastor of the Yekepa United Methodist Church and an Adjunct Faculty at the ABC University. He is the proprietor of the Marth-Carol International Day Care School which provides early childhood education and care for kids in the Yekepa Community.