The Shattered Heart

by Natalie Walsh



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/03/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781496973115

About the Book

As an author I have found that just watching what goes on around me or in my own life I can come up with a novel. Letters to the Abused I wrote as self help as I was in a tough relationship it was a form of healing for me, The Love Triangle was based on a life of someone close to me. Names were changed to protect others. This novel The Shattered Heart reaches out to the teens and parents of teens as to what happens when children have children. I have a preteen grand daughter and a teen step daughter I feel that this would help them to know what not to do. That boys are not worth an education or a friendship being ruined. While some may be able to bounce back and make a choice to put the child up for adoption some feel they want to raise their child and quit school. We live in an age where parents both work or there is only one parent children are being left alone and have no supervision or if they do they may be in a situation with a death of a parent and this makes them search for what is missing.

About the Author

As an author I have found that just watching what goes on around me or in my own life I can come up with a novel. Letters to the Abused I wrote as self help as I was in a tough relationship it was a form of healing for me, The Love Triangle was based on a life of someone close to me. Names were changed to protect others. This novel The Shattered Heart reaches out to the teens and parents of teens as to what happens when children have children. I have a preteen grand daughter and a teen step daughter I feel that this would help them to know what not to do. That boys are not worth an education or a friendship being ruined. While some may be able to bounce back and make a choice to put the child up for adoption some feel they want to raise their child and quit school. We live in an age where parents both work or there is only one parent children are being left alone and have no supervision or if they do they may be in a situation with a death of a parent and this makes them search for what is missing.