Let the fans negotiate

by Chuck Trout



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/03/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781468563375

About the Book

No matter how talented the athlete, how beautiful the stadium, or how wealthy the owner of a team might be: “No professional team can be successful without the can support of fans.” This being the case, I feel it is the fans that should negotiate with the players rather than with the owners or player’s unions. In this book, I address twelve major sports and made recommendations that are both unique and economically feasible for the owners, the teams, and the people (the fans) who generate the money to pay all the costs associated with professional sports. If you have ever paid to see a baseball, basketball, or soccer game; if you have ever paid to see a boxing match, or any other sporting event; then you are an “Athletic Supporter.” We have all witnessed basketball, baseball and football strikes. Players and owners alike will go on strike if they think it will help them to get what they want. The fans are never contacted to give their opinions even though they pay all the bills. Even baseball umpires and other sporting officials have threatened strikes. The cost of attending a sporting event has gotten out of hand. A family of four, attending a baseball game, will spend hundreds of dollars. This book addresses how fans can receive back some of the money they spend at sporting events, while holding the players accountable, and at the same time, increase revenue for the food and merchandise venders at sporting events. The proposed new rules will make the game more competitive and will result in larger and more enthused crowds. With the recommendations make in this book, many sporting fans will go home with more money and/or free merchandise than when they arrived.

About the Author

Why should a baseball player who gets a hit have to run to first base? This is American and we are free to do what we want. Chuck Trout, the brilliant author of this book, addresses this type of injustice. His goal is to change the rules for twelve sports played in America. Chuck Trout has dedicated his life to sports. In the second grade he out-hit, out-played, and was much more mature than the other children in his class. Some felt it was his natural ability; others felt it was the long hours of practice that he endured. I believe it was because of his age. He was 19. When other children went home, Chuck continued practicing alone. Hitting, then fielding the ball, and throwing to him self at first base. Some days he would practice for over thirty minutes, never taking time out to eat or sleep. During his six years in high school, Chuck had a batting average of 128. In basketball he was scoring 3 points a game. And in cross-country track, he would have been very competitive but unfortunately got lost during the race. After high school Chuck lived in Pennsylvania and New York. Both states fought over him. Pennsylvania said he was from New York and New York said he was from Pennsylvania. Later he joined the army and was a one man wrecking crew. He blew up two tanks and one helicopter. Then the Army sent him overseas. Now that Chuck is older, he has decided to take all his experiences in order to influence “the powers to be’ so they will change the rules of the 12 sports addressed in this book. Chuck initially had three copies of this book printed. Two have already been sold. Better purchase your copy today before the supply runs out!