The Continuing Adventures Of Willy The Worm At Harmony Mountain

Cave Of Songs, Featuring The Hickamafeelyawhatamahecks & Their Song. "The Hickamas"

by Scott W. Gilbert



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/02/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781477296714

About the Book

This is the second book of Willy the Worm adventures featuring some new characters of a new song that I think the children will love… I think they’ll have a lot of fun singing it and enjoying this story of adventure and friendship.

About the Author

I grew up on a farm and was the oldest boy. My Father needed me to help alot and there wasn't much time to read and escape in ones own mind, this book is away to forget the day and think about adventure and friendship. to make up things that would make the world a better place. ENJOY and don't forget the first Willy adventure were it all started. Thank you for looking at my book.