You Can Build Your Life from Bad to Excellence with Order

by Wealbey Wealthy-beyond



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/08/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781477222072

About the Book

I need the information and all guides of what the readers will get inside This book is not specifically a Christian book but based on the book that is believed by everyone to be the only book that people rely on for the truth and prophetic word of God, which is the Bible. This book can be read by everyone from young to old, and the knowledge covered in this book is bigger than the biggest building ever built, most technological car ever manufactured, or any other things. Reason being, the word used to entitle the book is applied by those who build, manufacture, distribute, sell, receive, and all things that are going very well. Surely, you cannot go further in life without it. It is a simple word that you can use and tell anyone at any time, and people use it always and every time. When you walk, you use it. When you speak, you use it. When you eat, you use it. When you cook, you use it. When you sleep, you use it. When you wake up, you use it. Lives happen to have no meaning without it. The word is order. Highly recommended to all age groups Find answers to all your life questions. Find hindrances of your prosperity. Have hope of life. Change your life with order. Know the importance of your life, from young to raising kids. Discover your talent in a day. Life is like a car; it is up to you what kind of a car you are or want to be.

About the Author

Wealbey Wealthy-beyond was born in South Africa at 11 May 1986. He has persue a career in engineering studies but always someone who talks too much and very good in making stories. He has completed Bible study course and graduated with TFT(the Freeway Tebernacle) which is one of the largest church at Soweto (South Africa) lesded by Montoedi Kotu one of inspiring motivational authors for books such as Living life in stereo. The main goal of wealbey is to ebsure that people get his knowledge all over the world as he believes and understand that his knowledge can help many people and it doesn't matter how far can you be. He has been recomended by thousand people around him who knows the knowledge he got to write it in scripts. One of his ideas that challenged people was "A man born free but always create himself problems" Currently he is working on being a motivational speaker all over thw world in order to help people overcome challenges of life.