Christmas Away!

A Duckie Dan Adventure Book

by Penelope A Riley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/10/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781477275542

About the Book

“Christmas Away”…The critters were not too sure about Grandma Hattie’s Holiday plans. Yes, a cruise was always fun but …it was Christmas!
The critters were chattering among themselves! Estes squawked, “WHERE ARE WE GOING?” Marr-Lee blurted out, “FOR HOW LONG?” Oddie wanted to know, “HAVE I BEEN THERE BEFORE?” Duckie asked, “HOW ARE WE GETTING THERE?”
Tallulah was the most unsure of the five critters. She had so many questions for Granny. She started to cry, “BUT…BUT WILL SANTA KNOW WHERE WE ARE?”

PENELOPE A RILEY is the author and illustrator of the Duckie Dan Adventure Books. Her latest is “Christmas Away”. Through her words and illustrations she tells the readers it is alright to not be sure of something. Try something new but keep some of the old traditions, too. Having those you love around you is the most important part of the celebration.
The Duckie Dan Adventure Books deliver a positive moral. She has authored two previous books in this series, “Duck Dan the Traveling Man” and “Marr-Lee the Homesick Moose”.

About the Author

World traveler, Penelope A Riley is an author and illustrator of The Duckie Dan Adventure Books, Duckie Dan the Traveling Man and Marr-Lee the Homesick Moose. When she is not reading to the children at libraries, schools or cruise ships, Penelope lectures to high school English classes on writing and art classes about the opportunities of becoming an illustrator. She is a nomad at heart but came by it naturally through four generations of travelers. It is only natural that Penelope gravitated to start her own travel agency.
With a handful of grandchildren Penelope has always loved reading to them as she did her own children. She started writing children books to help reinforce positive situations and let children know they are not the only ones living with grandparents, have a handicap or feel alone or different, sometimes.
Penelope's home-base is Florida. With children and grandchild living around the world and being a travel agent, that affords her the opportunity to travel which reinforces her nomadic spirit. She has traveled to thirty-seven countries and throughout the United States, except Hawaii and North Dakota. Cruising for pleasure and work is her favorite way to travel.