. . . and now The Journey Continues

The two serial killers in Southern California at long last meet. Will it be before or after they complete their evil deeds?

by Frances Smith Savage



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/02/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 340
ISBN : 9781481708920

About the Book

The Journey Continues -- is the third part of the trilogy about two serial killers. The book begins as one of the serial killers at long last finds his intended victim. Because of the pressure caused by a true crime book about two serial killers in Southern California specifically the High Desert he is determined to find the second serial killer. The book continues as he leaves messages for the authorities that he’s back and he makes his own search simply because he needs a place to hide. He stumbled upon the underground modernized mine and realized he found his place and the mine served his purpose. He, however, had to prove himself.

The story continues as the survivors are victimized again. They work with the authorities to stop the carnage. The story deals with families, authorities, victims, trust, love, and fear. Those who are thrown together, but still find comfort in helping one another.

About the Author

Frances Smith Savage is an accomplished copywriter and has writen over six-hundred articles in the past year and a half. She also completed her fourth book: '. . . and now The Journey Continues.' It completes the trilogy of her first two books: Julie, A Time to Live, and The Serial Killer My Son. Although the trilogy includes the subject of serial killers, they are not the usual gore. Also to her credit is her book: Inspiring Moments that include uplifting short stores. Her books have the subtle theme of her Christian faith. She lives in the high desert of Southern California where her book takes place.