The Boy on the Hill

The Fortunate Child

by Dieter W Roth



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/02/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781481710121

About the Book

A delightful story for everyone, because it is about everyone; young, old and young at heart. A little boy struggles with the limitations of being little. Although he lives an ordinary life, he strives for more. With his vivid imagination he believes he can take on the world. But when his favourite companion goes missing, his world falls apart. Through his experiences of anger, loss and sadness, he discovers that real peace comes from recognising what can be, while accepting what is.

About the Author

This was written by a 10 year old boy who had dreams and a vision. The lesson was to never let your dreams go but to keep in mind who you are.We are creators in every sense but that needs to be tempered with caution and love to realise our potential. That little boy was me, and this story has finally been written for everyone to share. Never let go of your dreams.