Michaela Finds a Dollar

by Teresa Cynthia Dooley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/03/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 18
ISBN : 9781491859124

About the Book

If you found a dollar, how would you spend it? For 7-year-old Michaela Williams, this is the question she faces after finding a $1.00 bill on her way home from school. Join Michaela on her adventure through her neighborhood as she learns the true value of money from her wise grandmother, Nana. If you are looking for a book that teaches children compassion for others and the true value of money, then you and your little ones will find countless hours of enjoyment and life lessons reading “Michaela Finds a Dollar”. This delightful story of a little girl and her grandmother's journey deserves a special place of honor in every home library.

About the Author

Teresa C. Dooley was born in Greenville, SC and raised in Philadelphia, PA where she and her husband of 20 years reside as proud parents of 4 adult children and the grandparents of 5. She is a member of SCBWI. She greatly enjoys educating children and feels passionate about helping them learn how to properly use money as a tool to help others and themselves. “Michaela Finds A Dollar” is the first in a series of books that will teach children to live by the motto: “Give some, save some and live on the rest”.