Life Is a Lobster

Dig into Your Purpose

by Justinah McFadden



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/05/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781481751155

About the Book

Justinah McFadden is a poet, novelist, and motivational speaker. In her latest work, Life Is a Lobster, Justinah poignantly uses personal life lessons and struggles to allow readers to recognize how she overcame adversity, poverty, and a trying childhood to reach her lobster. This motivational book contains twelve powerful chapters that will allow readers, no matter what their walk in life, to reach the ultimate goal we are all searching for—purpose.

About the Author

Justinah is the published author of five poetry books, one novel, and one quarterly magazine, Creative Thoughts Magazine. Inducted as an ambassador of poetry in 2009 by the International Society of Poets and awarded many editor choice awards, Justinah is currently pursuing her juris doctorate. For more information about the author, visit All works written by the author can be found at To order Life Is a Lobster book, apparel, mugs, bumper stickers, and plaque quotes, visit To purchase greeting cards with the author’s quotes and poems, please visit