

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/07/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781481730006

About the Book

This introduction under the leading of the Holy Spirit will make a holy penetration into the lives of each reader, from out of the wellsprings of life, Jesus Christ. “A movement without Man,” thereby noting the phenomenon that will broaden the tide of influence that is linked to this book. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can describe this movement boundaries, at the words of the Apostle Peter at Pentecost: “ this is what was spoken by the Prophet Joel, in the last days, “I will pour out my spirit on all flesh.” (Acts 2:16-17)

This book will be an educational tool for you, something that will help you learn what the bible says first hand. To use for your advantage at Bible Seminary, Sunday School, bible Study, Sunday Service its for your own spiritual enlightenment. How grateful I am, from my heart. What a blessing you will receive after a careful study of this book. “Believe me it will be phenomenal.”

The helpful hints, insights, the biblical principles that you can trust at face value; what a powerful influence, a powerful impact it will have on your life. For starters let’s begin not to assume anything anymore. What we hear from across the pulpit and let’s begin to check out on your own what the bible says on how to live a Christian life—because such assumptions on your behalf can lead you straight to hell. It can ruin your life here on Earth mentally, physically and spiritually if we are not careful about what we hear and believe. Please, please listen; learn how to study the word of God properly for yourself.

Only in contact with his saving grace do we discover our real purpose here on Earth, and to look with expectation to the up and coming chapters of our own life story here in Eternity. My desire in ministry is to reach as many people in the community, the secular world, globally, internationally along with other true church leaders of today.

Speaking from my personal experience many up to date ministries are incorporating all kinds of worldly ideas and gimmicks from the corporate world, even the entertainment industry and other resources as well. But this effort does not result in more unsaved people coming and attending services; it lasts for a fleeting moment and then it’s gone. But the real question is does that kind of movement genuinely please God? Are these people learning “how” to worship the true and living God? Really what are they to learn through this kind of “fast food” religion?

This book will be an educational tool for you, something that will help you learn what the bible says first hand. To use for your advantage at Bible Seminary, Sunday School, bible Study, Sunday Service its for your own spiritual enlightenment. How grateful I am, from my heart. What a blessing you will receive after a careful study of this book. “Believe me it will be phenomenal.”
The helpful hints, insights, the biblical principles that you can trust at face value; what a powerful influence, a powerful impact it will have on your life. For starters let’s begin not to assume anything anymore. What we hear from across the pulpit and let’s begin to check out on your own what the bible says on how to live a Christian life—because such assumptions on your behalf can lead you straight to hell. It can ruin your life here on Earth mentally, physically and spiritually if we are not careful about what we hear and believe. Please, please listen; learn how to study the word of God properly for yourself.

Only in contact with his saving grace do we discover our real purpose here on Earth, and to look with expectation to the up and coming chapters of our own life story here in Eternity. My desire in ministry is to reach as many people in the community, the secular world, globally, internationally along with other true church leaders of today.

About the Author