Me and the Lion’s Den

by Daniel W. Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/09/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781491809662
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781491809648

About the Book

My name is Daniel and I grew up gay in a small town called Matthews. It is buried somewhere deep in the rural south. Its population is 1,911. I have been abused, used, lied to, cheated on, stolen from,drugged,mugged, ignored,busted and lusted after. This book is about living in a small town and spending more than half my life in it. Growing up in the church to the parties I used to throw to the people in Matthews and the ones I would run into in Columbia. What some characters they were. I seem to be surrounded by prejudices and hypocrites everywhere I go. I have been run off jobs, had a run in with the FBI because of this book. They tried to do away with my First Amendment Right and that is the Freedom of Expression. It is a story I have written about my life in the small town of Matthews.

About the Author

Daniel W. Williams was raised in a small southern town of approximately 2,000 people. He is one of the elite few southern gay men that has survived the negative remarks partly due to the stereotypical southern culture. He was raised in a christian home and a traditional southern baptist church. He is very dedicated to his family. He attended a small private school in the middle of a red clay cotton field. He was very popular back in the 80’s and 90’s, having parties at his home with many people whom he thought were his real friends, but as time went on Daniel lost touch with many of these associates that became stuck in their settled lives. Daniel is a first time author who wants his story told to enlighten his readers that there are many different degrees in the gay world that do exist even in a small town such as Matthews. He hopes you will enjoy reading his moving, funny and very candid memoir of his life in the south.