The Clash with Robin and Squirrel

by George E Richardson Illustrated by Joe Lee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/03/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 28
ISBN : 9781491834312

About the Book

Story: The Clash with Robin and Squirrel The Clash with Robin and Squirrel is a story about the struggles and conflicts that animals experience in the nature. Robin and Squirrel agreed to be civil to each other by respecting each other’s areas. Robin’s basic instinct tells her not to trust Squirrel who kept a curious eye on her nest. Also, Robin encounters several close calls where her life was almost taken away by other predators in search of food. These experiences serve as valid reasons not to trust anyone. But against her own feelings of discomfort, Robin launches out and trusts Squirrel. These incidents take place in the surroundings of an old gentleman, Mr. Gilbert, who kept a watchful eye on his garden in his struggle to keeps the animals away from getting his seed. In this story, Robin goes through a range of circumstances and emotions. Many of which are used to teach valuable life lessons to its readers. Would Squirrel live up to the expectation placed in him by Robin? How will the story end? Who get hurt? Who lives? Who dies? Read this emotional and stirring story about Robin and Squirrel and their conflict, trust, and survival as they coexisted in their community.

About the Author

Why readers will be interested in your unique voice as an author? George Richardson enjoys writing children’s books and has a unique way of using children’s stories to teach life principles and values. His books teach about such values as, the importance of making good choices, recognizing and accepting of diversity, being respectful, and persevering with a task until its completion. George has just written another story entitled, The Clash with Robin and Squirrel, which talks about the element of trust and what happens when trust is violated. These are good principals that children need to read about, contemplate, and embrace as life traits. George’s stories are positive and leave children with more than just reading a good story; but leaves them with a life principal that hopefully will help to guide their decisions and choices in the future. George developed a love for children’s books when he was a third grade teacher. He read many books to his students and watched the excitement on their faces as books came alive to them. Through these experiences, George committed himself to become a children’s author. He has written The Mysterious Pumpkin Patch, Brogee’s Giant Bicycle, and just completed his third children’s book called The Clash with Robin and Squirrel. George believes that stories are a medium that not only teaches children how to read and comprehend, but serves as a way to guide and prepare them for life. Parents’ instructions to their children have always been the best form of preparation and information about life’s principles, values, and right choices. The stories that George writes are designed to reinforce and complement what they have been taught at home and at school. George Richardson currently works as a school administrator in Rockford, Illinois. He has an earned doctorate in Educational Leadership and Administration. He is married to his wife, Renneth, and has three grown children: Michael and his wife Allison, and twin daughters Michelle and Melissa.