The Big Red Barn Speaks...

The Story of The Flight 93 Barn

by Sally Musser Zeigler Illustrated by Stephen Adams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/12/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781491877029

About the Book

The Big Red Barn the reader a peek into the history of a beloved barn nestled in the hills of Southwestern Pennsylvania. The story, told from the barn's point of view, shares the barn's memories beginning in the late 1800's and continues through the years until September 11, 2001. The barn then becomes a part of American history. Through the eyes of the barn, which is located only a few miles from the crash site of United Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, children hear about the tragedy of Flight 93 in a safe and nonthreatening way. They learn that the passengers on Flight 93 became heroes that day by standing up against terrorism.

About the Author

Sally Musser Zeigler is a first time author who wants to share some wonderful childhood memories of her family's barn. Mrs. Zeigler is a graduate of Shanksville Stonycreek School District and Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She has been a teacher at Berlin Brothersvalley Elementary School for thirty years having taught kindergarten through fourth grade. While teaching at Berlin Brothersvalley Elementary School, Mrs. Zeigler always makes it a top priority to read quality literature to children every day. Now she's taken her career one step further and tried her hand at writing her own story. Both Shanksville and Berlin are located very close to the crash site of Untied Flight 93. Therefore Mrs. Zeigler has first- hand memories and connections with September 11, 2001. Many members of her family are ambassadors at the National Memorial and her son was a park ranger there for five years. Mrs. Zeigler hopes this book will be not only become a favorite picture book for many children, but also a teaching tool incorporated into social studies curriculums.