Born to be Humanist

by Dr. Dragan P. Bogunovic MD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/10/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 66
ISBN : 9781491829585

About the Book

America was well known as a land of emigrants. They came from all over the world as different in ethnicity as different in language and different in color to become united and to live under the law of the nation as we all known named Constitution established many years ago by the fathers of this country. Being all new and old united in country that is named as United State of America. That is the name of country that is also call exceptional country where everyone likes to come and live. However when evil power arrived than first thing what that one do is to destroy unity by old principle that are well established by dividing and rule to make that country not anymore united and exceptional and strong but divided and weak. They are all divided in ethnicity, language, color religion and even political social and sexual orientation to make only one thing that is able to bring them back is Human given free gift call talent as a power of love to work as cohesive power make nation again and not only nation but entire humanity because America is lighthouse for entire world, which is not anymore, but has to be back again to save entire humanity. That is reason for writing my first and now my second book, as my own personal opinion, to help this country, my country for the moment on July fourth 1969 when I arrived as emigrant and new citizen. Ps. "Every country divided against self shall not sustain" In my first book and especially in my second book "Born to be Humanist I recommended for discussion and opinion for Human talent to become solution as a most powerful forces of love as powerful arm to save this country and in same time entire humanity that is moving in wrong direction toward end of entire humanity as it was taken place in the time of Noah. Yes, our given gift our talent that is given to everyone born upon this land to be something and through right education become someone as our salvation our ark, working as life purposes being well complementary with others united in one earthly and universal body for life eternal. That is what I did call in my first book SECULAR RELIGION, or SECULAR IDEALOGY as you wish which is nothing but UNIVERSAL RELIGION founded on free gift call Talent and personal responsibilities. In present days only humans gift call talent is solution for peace and unity. Everything is well explain in my second book as natural continuation from the first one.

About the Author