
When lawful authority prevents justice and prosperity

by Mark Lipse



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/06/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781524676735
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781524676742

About the Book

Why are so many countries so poorly governed? In Misgovernment, Mark Lipse presents a compelling theory - that misgovernment is the almost inevitable legacy of lawmakers ignoring natural rights when setting up the legal, administrative and constitutional powers of governments. The result, especially in developing countries, is “predatory jurisdiction”, or government powers, which, while lawful, and generally viewed as normal and natural, actually have the potential to be massively unjust and destructive. In this cogently reasoned work, Lipse explains exactly how benchmarks can be established to identify such inappropriate government powers, and the standards of justice that should be applied in assessing them. An informed citizenry is an essential element in the struggle against misgovernment, injustice and poverty. Misgovernment provides a new set of ideas about governance to further the practical application of the underlying principle - that classical natural rights do provide a solid platform for truly benign yet effective social activism.

About the Author

Mark Lipse, MBA, is an accounting professional, living in The Netherlands near Amsterdam. He was born in the South American country of Surinam and raised on the Caribbean island of Curaçao. His personal pursuits include, among other things, reading on the subjects of history, politics, economics and philosophy. His driving interest is in the effects on the lives of ordinary citizens, of the political and economic organization of their contemporary society, as shaped in turn by the institutional and legal frameworks in which they exist.