"What Does J-W-D-L-N-T Spell?" & Other Short Poems

by Marva Pachot Bourne



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/02/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 42
ISBN : 9781491859834

About the Book

As our daughters (Candice and Dannette) were going through their early childhood years, they asked many questions and said or did cute, adorable things that were amusing and thought provoking. Some early mornings I got up with thoughts racing through my mind in the form of poems or rhymes about some event that occurred the day before. I wrote down these poems and have kept them over twenty-seven years. As time passed, Candice demonstrated amazing talent in the field of drawing, and obtained a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts from La Sierra University. We often spoke of doing a mother/daughter project where she would illustrate my poems and we would publish a children’s book.

About the Author

About the Author: Dr. Marva Margaret Pachot Bourne was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago. She taught at the elementary level for eight years before migrating to the United States in 1980. She has a Masters degree in Education Counseling and a Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She received her Doctor of Marriage and Family Therapy degree from Loma Linda University. Currently she is a mental health clinician for three Prevention, Education, and Intervention (PEI) programs. In that capacity, she teaches effective parenting methodology for parents raising children of African-American descent. Dr. Bourne lives with her husband, Dr. Kenrick Bourne, in Colton, California. The couple has two adult daughters and one grandson. God has blessed her indeed, and she considers her greatest achievement the gift she has been given to positively impact the lives of many individuals she has encountered in her journey through life. About the Artist: Candice Bourne I was also inspired by my son, Xavier, who I used as a model for many of the drawings. Watching my son as he goes though his early childhood reminds me of my daily discoveries as a young child and the world my imagination opened up to me. All the illustrations were drawn using colored pencils. This brings a brilliance and innocence to the drawings that are fitting for a children’s book. They capture the essence of my early childhood.