Baanquer's Point

by Edward W. Ramsell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/01/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781491850718

About the Book

Only once in all time did the land of Eard cross strands with the evil empire Zerp. Baanquer's Point is the story of that encounter, recorded for all time on the Stone. Eard is a land of casual but very real and pervasive magic while Zerp is stridently materialistic, crumbling under its own corporate weight. Eard and Zerp are not planets and they are probably not parallel universes. They are Real, however, in contrast to Elsewhere that lies between. The story turns on Nice, the stuff that greases Reality. Zerp's villainy boils away Nice prodigiously while Eard's ubiquitous wizardry soaks it up. This accumulating imbalance of Nice attracts the attention of One, a paternalistic diddler who runs Elsewhere. One, who defines power in his virtual realm but lacks sensation in Real places, projects an imperfect alter ego, Baanquer, into Real to straighten things out. Baanquer's misbegotten but ultimately successful efforts propel the story, climaxing at Baanquer's Point. Unwittingly consummating Baanquer's plan, Rubb and Sam attempt the first successful Flang ever to restore the balance of Nice. Baanquer finally pulls the plug at precisely the right point in time, Baanquer's Point, setting everything aright and sealing our heroes' doom. Sam and Rubb do not really understand what's going on and often cloud rather than resolve the situation. Their doom is to be their end; they will be no more.

About the Author

My experience in writing a book draws from a quarter century in public schools, and a quarter century in insurance marketing. Writing insurance sales training materials is a great foundation for writing humouous fiction. Also, reading the daily newspaper thoroughly provides a wealth of source material. I read fiction and non-fiction voraciously. Most fiction I find great fun but too often lacking in a satisfying resolution to the story. Hence my story which satisfies me immensely, and I hope you as well. I am a native born and raised Iowan, but totally urban. I admire farmers but I cannot cope with anything agricultural but the eating. I have four children, all long since out on their own. I am now retired.