Meet Betsy series

more fun with this coloring book

by Ann Fisher



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/01/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781491848906

About the Book

Life with Betsy was full adventure... Now that we have already finished reading the “Meet Betsy” series, we are now ready to make some fun by coloring this book! Why not give these artworks some life by putting it with colors that you think is beautiful to use? Now let’s start coloring these amazing artworks and don’t forget to show your family, friends and the world with your fantastic artworks! Meet Betsy Series: 1. Meet Betsy 2. Betsy’s First Breakfast 3. Betsy’s First Spring 4. BETSY’S EASTER BONNET

About the Author

I was born on the plains of Texas. It was a wonderful experience for a child. Young Americans were farming the land and raising their families. Crops not only fed Americans, but the people in other countries. We were a proud generation. We worked hard and we gave thanks to God for every blessing we had received. The true meanings of friendship among neighbors are something that is lost. The little two room schoolhouse was so important to the neighborhood it found a wonderful home with parents of two of my classmates. Many of my friends are no longer living. I do know that they are in Heaven smiling down on the wonderful state of Texas. They will be pleased that Betsy is telling her story. Betsy is learning about friendship. Betsy is learning to share. I want people to know the era in time was a very special time. These are my true stories of my childhood as; only a child holds in her or his heart about a new found friend that filled a young heart with love. I hope all the children young and old will enjoy these true stories as much as I have putting in print and pictures for you. They are very fond memories and I hope all the children will love Betsy as I did when you get to know her. I am dedicating this book and the series of Betsy to my friend Linda Gaines Williams, her companionship, encouragement and believing in me and to sweet Jill Williams a special person. My First book “Meet Betsy” was to introduce Betsy. Now that you have met Betsy our adventures have just begun. Our lives unfolded with each adventure of heart warming moments of each new story. My second edition I am teaching Betsy what it means to have true friendship and the beauty of Gods’ labor in creating a wonderful world of wonder. I want all the young children learn about the life of Betsy. Don’t miss this series of Betsy that became Annie’s best friend and the history that will unfold of time that has been forgotten. Betsy is learning about spring and the wonder of a new world for her. Sincerely, Ann Fisher