Thoughts of a Crazy Old Man

by Mikel W. Dawson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/01/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781491890080
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781491890097

About the Book

When you’re on the downhill side of life, what things do you think about? This is one of the questions crossing the mind of Mikel W. Dawson. The author has experienced many facets of life, and now wants to raise questions and give a little advice on how to approach the turns in life’s road. Thoughts of a Crazy Old Man also answers a lot of question that readers have asked since his previous book Guide’s Life. This book doesn’t just cover one subject, but many things common to us all. Life, weather, work, women, politics, religion, and kids are just a few of the topics Mikel expounds on and gives some advice, telling what he’s learned over the years and the things he’s done. Thoughts of a Crazy Old Man isn’t meant to provide all the answers, but rather give insight on how one man has dealt with the things common folk experience every day. If you want to find out how a guy growing up in Southwest Idaho in the late ‘50s and who graduated high school in the 70’s figured out his own answers, grab a drink, pull up a comfortable chair, and put on your reading glasses. Get ready for Thoughts of a Crazy Old Man.

About the Author

Thoughts of a Crazy Old Man is the second book written by Mikel W. Dawson. Although writing has not been Mikel’s career, it has come easy. Drawing from the vast amounts of past life experiences and the ability to relate these experiences in short story form, Mikel has been related to Forest Gump by some of his readers in his story telling ability. Mikel grew up on a farm in South West Idaho during the late ‘50s and ‘60s. In 1968 his family sold the farm and moved to Greenleaf Idaho where Mikel graduated high school in 1974 from Greenleaf Friends Academy. Mikel attended Boise State University’s Vo-Tec mechanics course and after entered the working world. In 1983 Mikel began a military career as a Citizen Soldier and retired as a Sergeant Major after almost 23 years of service. In 1992 Mikel departed his job as a professional guide in the Salmon River country in central Idaho and moved to Denmark,got married and lives with his wife Jette running his own business shoeing horses. Mikel’s life as a guide, military career and how he moved to Denmark is all covered in his previous book Guide’s Life.