One God for All

by Dil R Banu



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/05/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781496911575
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781504908351

About the Book

In our times of strife and alienation, the author presents a fresh argument for harmony and togetherness. She has a deep understanding of the human mind through ages in which God eternally leaves His unifying marks. God’s Omnipresence binds our ageless humanity on one hand, and on the other, it directs us to His singular message of Unity. The author essentially focuses on the Unity of God, and articulates its dimensions from the vantage point of her Islamic conviction. In so doing, she places other religions vis-à-vis Islam and vice versa. In keeping with the spirit of Islam, she never indulges in the denigration of the other. She does encounter anti-Islamism that we see in vogue. Her style is unapologetic and straight to the point. She takes the antagonists to the task. But her tone, all throughout, is one of reconciliation. She seeks to make her audience understand her belief-system, i. e. Islam, and in turn, understand the misunderstanding of Islam by her audience. Her audience, obviously, is Western (if not exclusively), and as such, her arguments flourish in the Western context. She does leave room for the watchful non-Western Muslim and non-Muslim readers to get hold of that context. The book addressing timeless issues is quintessentially timely. Muhammad Mashreque has been a professor of English at Allen University, Columbia, SC. Besides, he works with such organizations as uniting adherents of the Faith ( i. e. CAIR), and promoting ethnic-racial harmony ( i.e. SPLC).

About the Author

Dil. R. Banu, 73, a Muslim by birth and practice, a retired lecturer of a prestigious school & college of her homeland Bangladesh, settled in America about twenty three years ago. She got a job of a substitute teacher for the local elementary schools soon after she came here, but she gave it up one year later to start a family day care in her rented apartment where all her neighbors were Christians. This job made a turning point of her life because it was then she came to know the followers of Jesus Christ closely while living with them in the same place for more than a decade. Besides them, she also met with many Christian Missionaries both men and women who used to visit her off and on mostly in a group. The purpose of their visit was to tell her about Jesus and how could she attain her salvation through having faith in him as her Swavior Lord. As a Muslim she believes Jesus as a mighty Messenger of God and what He revealed to him for the guidance of his people. She also has learnt from both Quran and Bible that Jesus never taught those doctrines which his followers believe undoubtedly as their only way to heaven; rather he always asked them to strive for their eternal life through keeping the commands of God as did all his predecessors before him and as did Muhammad who was sent after him as the last Prophet of God. She thinks our faith in God and in His guidance should be prudent and reflective instead of being blind or self-made. As our life is most uncertain and there is no chance to correct our mistakes once we cross the one way exit of death, she believes the sooner we identify the true path of God and follow it, the better for us. Utilizing the Holy Scriptures-the Bible and the Quran to reinstate One God for all, this book presents a series of letters written to the well-known evangelist Franklin Graham opposing his comment, ‘The god of Islam being different from the God of the Christian or the Judeo-Christian faith.’ On the basis of abundant evidence from the Bible and the Quran both, the author, who is a Muslim by birth and practice, makes it distinctly clear that it is not the Muslims, as the evangelist has said, it is in fact, the Christians who worship ‘a different god’ from the God of the Judeo-Christian Faith. They do so by making Jesus as an object of worship along with One True God or as one of the Gods in the Trinity, which is a clear deviation from the eternal truth of the first commandment of God that Jesus preached and practiced himself following the footsteps of all his predecessors who were sent before him for the guidance of their people. She did not write this book to prove the Christians wrong or to sell her faith to them. What is there to prove or sell which they already have with them right from the beginning?