Four Young Reapers

Hope And Courage

by Stephen W. Adams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/08/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781496926692

About the Book

Four Young Reapers is inspired by true stories of life early in Hitler’s Germany, which were told to author Stephen W. Adams by a friend who was very young when her family and friends lived them. Fritz and Val are good friends. Sigi and Trina are sisters. With their love of family, country, freedom, common sense human rights, and Christian values, these young people (ages sixteen to twenty-one) soon find that they have opened the door to mystery, love, intrigue, hope, danger, opportunity, and even the chance to help others. Through exploring the references noted in the book, you will undoubtedly recognize similarities to today and probably ask yourself, “What would I have done then? and What can I do now?”

About the Author