My Small Share

A Quaker Diary from WWI

by Ernest W. Pettifer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/06/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781496979032
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781496979056

About the Book

The diary gives a vivid picture of the relentless bombardment of Dunkirk from the air, from the sea and from canons situated behind German lines over 20 miles away. The work of the hospital was a barometer of the action at the front and was itself under constant threat. It was moved to a less vulnerable location in the Spring of 1918, following an emergency night time evacuation after bombing. Shortly after this move, the threat posed by the rapid advance of the German Spring offensive meant that they had to prepare for the possibility of leaving Dunkirk altogether. In the diary Ernest reveals his deep interest in nature and wild life, especially birds. There are fascinating descriptions of French civilians managing to survive in the most unpromising circumstances. Ernest often has responsibility for managing casualties suffering from serious psychological damage. In the final months he moves through scenes of appalling devastation to work in Courtrai, where the patients are largely civilians. The diary is very fully illustrated with original photos, postcards, drawings and press cuttings, collected at the time by the author.

About the Author

Ernest W. Pettifer was 33 and well established as a Magistrates Clerk, when he volunteered to serve in the Friends Ambulance Unit (FAU) in November1915. After training at Jordans in Buckinghamshire, he served first on an Ambulance Train in France and then at King George Hospital in London. The diary begins when Ernest moves to the Queen Alexandra Hospital in Dunkirk, where he becomes the civilian administrator of the hospital.