365 Days To Authenticity

by Constance Holdip



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/07/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 68
ISBN : 9781504909693

About the Book

I was inspired to write 365 Days To Authenticity because I met so many people in my personal and professional life who were not living their desired life. My question was why aren't people really living their real life? So I asked questions not in a scientific way. But at social gatherings I attended I just brought up the topic. Most people were intrigued by the discussions and shared some information. This is some of the responses I got. Some people mentioned when they were young significant people in their life discouraged them not to pursue their dream. Some people admitted that it was based upon fear and it had held them back for years. There were a few people who shared the passing of a love one, or a painful divorce. They spoke about being in a place of just getting by from day to day. Others talked about not having time because of the responsibilities they had. Then there were people who talked about living the "golden life" after retirement. I also met people who made grand declarations and resolutions for the coming year. When the discussion changed to resolutions, many people laughed about it. They said it was almost like a normal annual tradition but they expected no real change. Others talked about how they started their resolutions and "life' got into the way. So nothing really changed for them. 365 Days To Authenticity challenges the reader with the philosophy of this is the real life right now and the desired life is obtainable. The book offers the reader to take a year to create the desired life. The first step is to take that dreaded self inventory. After the self assessment I offer the reader new practices that will enhance their journey every month to building a solid life. There are no gimmicks just a commitment to living a healthy well deserved life, That engages the mind, body and spirit.

About the Author

Constance’s professional life can only be described as eclectic! She is an adventurous spirit whose curiosity about life has led her in many directions. Her passion for the arts led her to attend a design school. Which led her to start a home based business in floral design entitled Kalideoscope. She was inspired to write a screenplay after attending a film festival in Miami entitled Full Circle. Her compassion for humanity led her to pursue a degree in teaching. She worked with children and families in high risk areas that consisted of gangs and crime. She wanted to become more involved with helping people on a deeper level, so she changed her degree to social work. Her most profound work developed when she worked with the homeless, domestic violence victims, as well as abused and neglected children, Working with families in Hospice gave her a new perspective about living. Hospice patients enriched her life to become more intentional with how she spent her time. While assisting her siblings with taking care of their parents while they were ill, she created her Life Coaching business entitled Finding Your Authentic Path. Her business gave her the flexibility to be present at the last days of her parent’s life. As a transitional coach, she guides her clients through crisis and encourages them to transform the experience into new beginnings. Her current project is working with Dollye James, elementary school counselor. Ms. James commissioned her to write a play to enhance the curriculum for children who display mild behavioral problems; which prevent them from performing well in the class room. The children attend the classes on the weekends for twelve weeks. The play emphasis is based upon self efficacy and social development.