From Slaves to Oil

United States role in the plunder of Africa

by David Model



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/06/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 224
ISBN : 9781496919823

About the Book

Famine, drought, internecine wars, corrupt leaders and culture have all been postulated as the cause of African underdevelopment despite its enormous wealth of resources. These myths are a smokescreen for the major causes of poverty, malnutrition, lack of amenities and death in Africa which has been the rapacious looting of the African continent for centuries by Western Powers. In the early twentieth century, King Leopold of Belgium slaughtered ten million Congolese in order to purloin rubber for the nascent automobile industry. One century later, United States, Belgium and France were responsible for the deaths of five million Congolese to gain free access to the vast riches of its resources such as gold, diamonds and, in particular coltan, an essential ingredient in electronic devices. This book explodes many of the myths about the fate of Africa which hide the truth about American and European interference in the development of the continent such as the context of the Black Hawk Down incident in Somalia, responsibility for the Rwanda Genocide, the origins of Boko Haram in Nigeria and its kidnapping of young girls and the real cause of the “humanitarian intervention” in Libya. The greater European advancement in military prowess, political organization, strong naval capabilities, particularly during the colonial era, in conjunction with the greed permeating European economic zeitgeist empowered first Europe then America to exploit the continent for cheap or free labor, bases, allies, markets, investments and resources. As a result of this exploitation, African nations are among the poorest on the planet, suffer the horrors of war on a regular basis, face the plight of hunger and disease more than anywhere else and lose more children before the age of five.

About the Author

David Model has taught International Studies and Political Science at Seneca College in Toronto for over 40 years. He has published six books in the past 16 years including People Over Profits: Reversing the Corporate Agenda, Corporate Rule: Understanding and Challenging the New World Order, Lying for Empire: How to Commit War Crimes with a Straight Face, State of Darkness: U.S. Complicity in Genocide since 1945 and Selling Out: Consuming Ourselves to Death. He has delivered papers at over a dozen academic conferences including the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge in the UK on such diverse subjects as The Rationalization of American Foreign Policy, War Crimes in Iraq, War Crimes in Serbia and on American Post-colonialism in Africa. David has written articles for CounterPunch, OpEd News, Dissent, Z Magazine, StraightGoods and the College Quarterly reflecting his passion for peace and social justice. His unique perspective has been informed by his academic, political and activist experiences as well by his extensive travels to many former hotspots such as Nicaragua, Guatemala, Vietnam and Cambodia. Touring these countries and seeing firsthand the impact of war on the people and the land inspires David to persevere on his journey for peace and justice through his work and his writing.