Thoughts in the Dark

by Susan Christensen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/12/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781496943675

About the Book

The scope of this book means there is something for everyone—all ages, all persuasions. With sensitivity and brashness, with humour and pathos, with irony and descriptiveness, and with awe and trepidation, Susan Christensen engages your mind and soul, your emotions and your sense of humour.
She covers, in her 165 poems, such topics such as the environment, tourist attractions, politics—from First Nations to the stock market and the plight of women—as well as relationships, old age and the future society must face up to. Philosophy of life and the seeking spirit filter through all the subject matter dealt with through her gift for the poetic word.

About the Author

Susan Loucks Christensen has always been a writer—usually inside her head with only
small, but well received, forays into print prior to this publication. Writing has usually taken
the form of letters, diaries and autobiographical short stories. Life in the form of family and
the need to earn always got in the way—until she became so immersed in teaching poetry
to Secondary School adolescents.
It grew on her gradually, this compulsion to put her innermost introspections, yearnings
and concerns into poetry. No subject was too petty or too painful to escape her keyboard.
As semi-retirement brought fewer responsibilities to her busy life, the body of work began
to grow substantially. Hence, the decision to publish her inner world.
She feels it is her legacy. Anyone who has ever given birth, either of the body or mind, will
understand what a trial and labour it is when the gestation period is over and the new entity
is freed from the host. That sums up Susan Christensen’s publication of her poetic works.
It is one more milestone in a journey of lifelong learning. The short stories are fretting in
the background, awaiting their turn.