Something Happened to Hillary

by Stella S. Byrd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/10/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 18
ISBN : 9781496938961

About the Book

Something Happened to Hillary is story about an eight-year-old African American girl who is faced with an experience that threatens her sense of security and a community that is close and helpful to one another. It provides parents the opportunity to discuss safety issues with their child and teach them about stranger danger.

The author wants others to know or remember a time in life where community meant more than just living beside one another. Everyone in Hillary’s community is related or close family friends. She feels safe roaming around the neighborhood where everyone she encounters speaks instead of turning their heads so they won’t have to interact.

About the Author

Stella Byrd has resided in the Metro Detroit area for over thirty-one years. She has been married to Wade L. Byrd II for twenty-eight years. Stella has two daughters, Kirsten Byrd Garrison (Miles) and Kai Ariel Byrd, who both reside in Sherman Oaks, California.

Stella cherishes her childhood memories and would like adults to remember how it was when neighbors valued relationships with one another and felt a sense of belonging. She has worked for thirty years in the community, mental health, and the public school system as a licensed clinical social worker. She enjoys sewing, knitting, and many other crafts and creative arts. She plans to continue her stories about Hillary who depicts a time when life was simple, summers were long and fall was like a new beginning.