Prey Targets

by Joshua W. Horvath



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/10/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781496933249

About the Book

An action-packed book about an alien world with alien forms that will blow your mind. Humankind has left earth and lives in far-off worlds, and once again humankind is facing overpopulation and limited natural resources. So new worlds need to be found, and one such planet has been found. So a team of researchers and a bad to the bone security force is heading for this new and exotic world. Leading the team is Mike Maze, a.k.a. Sweet Candy, and helping him along the way is Charlie, a crazy but brave robotic probe. So sit back and prepare yourself for a thrill ride.

About the Author

I’m a young upcoming author who just likes to write for the fun of it a really cool hobby. I already have a few published works under my belt, and plan on writing several more in the years to come. I'm currently attending college and working toward getting a degree in creative writing. In the past I was more of a song and poetry writer. I won a few of editor choice awards for my poems witch was really cool. Things have change since then my family has expanded to six kids and a one of kind wife. Yeah I got my hands full LOL. Once my family came along they change how I viewed things. My baby girl Zendaya so full of life and the littlest things she finds so interesting. The way she looks at the world helped me write my first book. To sum things up I'm just a new author looking for a new adventure in life writing here I come!