The Fifth Jewel of Earth
Book Details
About the Book
Then quietly the Counselor continued, “Your traveling is needed again. The pendant you wear was purchased at an awesome price. That much is finished! And no principality or power—in heaven or on earth—can undo that accomplishment. The bridge has been rebuilt and the path has been thrown open. Now you must complete your traveling in fear and trembling. Salvation is between you and the King, but working out your salvation is between you and Me. Wisdom has been given to allow you to see the plan, Knowledge to understand the circumstances, and Belief in the Plan to strengthen you for the long, hard journey. Choosing life,” here the Counselor hesitated, touched again by the inestimable cost of that horrific sacrifice, “provides you with an inerrant compass toward home. Now I need you to acquire Right Standing, the privilege to face the Creator in His throne room. He is perfection itself, chosen mortal, and all imperfection will be consumed by His righteous indignation. Your best efforts will not be enough!” “Not enough?” The last sentence echoed down the corridor. Your best efforts will not be enough? How was he to acquire something which his best efforts could not attain? How do you acquire the unattainable? Fifth in the Jewels of Earth collection, the continued fighting in the “forever war” has already cost the king His life and the Traveler narrowly escaped with his own. To return to the fluid battlefield of time is dangerous enough, but the enemy is attempting to alter the timeline and the forces of the Cabala are taking matters into their own hands. Failure forfeits the future. Yet even if he succeeds, the Traveler risks never being able to return home. His journey is yours. Join the resistance! There is a jewel waiting for you!
About the Author
ABOUT THE AUTHOR We are all travelers! Instinctively, you know it is true! And even those who refuse to believe in the ‘forever war’ will find themselves drawn into it. We cannot stay in any one moment in time, any more than we can hold back the tide. And yet we try to retain our youth, stay at the top of our game, hide the scars, the graying and the wrinkles, and keep our self-image as close to the ideal as we can manage. However, Time moves on and the only real question that matters is, “Does our traveling serve some greater purpose?” For the author, life is filled with that purpose and he finds a guiding hand in all of it. The Fifth Jewel of Earth is the most recent addition to the Jewel series following the exploits of the Traveler, on his incredible journey through time and human history, pursuing missions assigned to him by the king of an alternate reality to save the human race from destruction. Rebels from that alternate reality are working to corrupt human history and independence. Our race would not survive a direct confrontation, so both sides fight their ‘forever war’ through human mercenaries and devoted followers. The fate of humanity is the prize to be won or lost, each human life possessing a unique contribution to the success or failure. Is this fiction, fantasy, religious allegory, or front page news? You will decide! An Army officer, lawyer, university professor, conference and guest lecturer, a church elder, an historian, artist and avid computer game player, James is also a loving husband of thirty-seven years, a proud father and a devoted grandfather. Collectively, all that traveling and time spent on the road has produced the adventure you hold in your hands! Of course there were others contributing to this particular journey, including his diligent and long-suffering editors—Eleanor Vasey, Marge Greenhalge, my son Christopher, and my wife, Mary. Their efforts have helped bring greater clarity, understanding and focus – in effect, they have helped sharpen the sword! Artwork prints, autographed copies of the books and a blog site for conversations with the author are available at Come visit us! “There is a design to the universe and a purpose in living. You are individually and uniquely special in that design. Your role in human history is no secret, and everything is available to you right now to begin traveling for the King. We all travel. Join the resistance! Follow the Traveler on his journey—ask the questions he asks—listen for your own answers. The answers are there!”