Sinister Secrets on Sunset Hill

by Carol Dold



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/03/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 468
ISBN : 9781504903677

About the Book

Sunset Hill was a tiny, quiet town with an aerial view of all the surrounding cities. It was peaceful. Bad things just didn’t happen there. On those summer evenings when the sky was lit up in striking colors of gold, pink, and orange, folks were sure that God must live there, too. And when the lilac trees were in full bloom and that heavenly scent was carried by a breeze, you knew you had found paradise. “Was it a homicide or a suicide?” Jennifer asked her friend, Alice, whose neighborhood had just been rocked by the news of a dreadful death. A woman in her early thirties, Katie Percival, had been found lifeless lying in a pool of blood in her basement. It was Alice, herself, that had discovered the grizzly scene. This book is so much more than just another murder mystery. It’s so much more than just entering a world of fantasy where you become the detective. Instead, it is the story of some ordinary people who found some extraordinary grace in the midst of some very tragic mistakes. Isaiah 55:7: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

About the Author

This author is in love with life—my life in Jesus Christ. Every day is a new adventure and a new opportunity to share him with others. My entire life revolves around the relationship I have with God through Jesus our Lord. And I have it because of his grace and mercy. I am also blessed to have my wonderful husband at my side, sharing all the ups and downs that have come our way, and we've learned more from our mistakes than anything else!