Pedro’s Journey

Newly-found Friend

by Wanda Reu



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 08/04/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781504904926

About the Book

A number of years ago, I worked with a friend on a poetry board. He was a wonderful mentor, and during that time, I wrote the Pedro Story. With his encouragement, I developed a love for children’s stories and poetry. I found the combination helped to convey a story children loved to hear over and over. This book is all about Sian, the cat, who patrolled the house where Pedro lived. He was big and mean, and he had destroyed most of the mice that had lived there. Pedro kept watch for Sian then ran from the small hole for the door that took him outdoors. He knew he needed a safe place to live without that cruel cat.

About the Author

I was born and raised in the midsection of our country. We lived in a rural area, and my father was a tiller of the land and a guardian of the animals that helped to provide income for our family’s needs. I had the privilege of growing up with a love of reading. By the time I had reached the sixth and seventh grades, it was nothing for me to read one hundred books each winter. Books were my lifeline, my connection with the world. Books took me to exotic places where I found myself dreaming under a large palm tree. I learned about beautiful women and handsome men who lived lives one could only imagine. I remember reading Gone with the Wind and getting caught up in the emotions experienced by Scarlet and Rhett during the time of the Civil War. I shed tears when Scarlet’s Rhett finally told her he’d had enough of her demands. As an adult, I wondered what it would be like to write my own books. I loved historical dramas, mysteries, a bit of humor, and stories of faith. I have also always enjoyed reading children’s stories and have written a number of children’s books. I wondered if people would enjoy reading the books I have written. Therefore, in the years following retirement, I have enjoyed writing all sorts of stories and even poetry. I feel that somehow the ink of an earlier writer has managed to fill my pen. If you pick up this historical drama and find you like it, feel free to let me know. You can reach me at