Inspired by Grace

by Vanessa W. Bonner



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/03/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781504901833

About the Book

Inspired by Grace is a devotional memoir about my journey of loving God and experiencing his grace in my life. It is written in poetic and prophetic dialogue in various settings that the reader will be able to identify. Inspired by Grace will reveal God's nature of love and compassion. It will allow you to experience the goodness of God as he works his perfect will in the lives of those who trust him. It will show to the reader that God's love and care does not stop at the cross, but he desires to expand his grace in every aspect of our lives. There is no area too big or too small that he will not work. God not only wants to show his love to the world, but he desires to show his unlimited grace to individuals. Without fail, you will see in every circumstance the victorious hand of God over and over. You will hunger for his love and be inspired by his grace.

About the Author

Vanessa Bonner is a wife, mother, and grandmother of eight. She is an ordained minister, teacher, evangelist author, and servant of God. She has served in ministry over thirty years and has pastored in successful house ministries in her community. She is the author of two previous books. Her first book, Help God I'm Single, But Don't Want To Be, has successfully targeted a large audience of singles and those who were involved in single ministry or counseling. Her second book, One Final Push, allowed her to share a combination of her love of poetry and the prophetic timing of God with her readers in a devotional. She rededicated her life to Christ while reading a Christian novel and was inspired to publish her personal testimony in poetic format in 1980 as a gospel tract. She is versatile in her love of people and styles and has a love of gospel rap, which she, on very rare occasions, winsomely pursues.