Pudge, the Polka dotted Pig

by Reba Redd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/06/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 42
ISBN : 9781504920209

About the Book

Our world is full of variations, differences, self image perceptions, and projected ways our society views appearance. Our children are influenced by everything around them and their self image is just one of the many pressures they will face. Pudge presents herself as feeling and looking different than her other friends and feels inadequate comparing herself to others around her. She goes on an excursion looking to fit in with "all of her spots and dots". She travels to a variety of locations, meeting other characters with spots and dots like hers, and realizes through her journey that having spots and dots is just beautiful. Pudge begins to understand that she is not different, that leaving home is not the answer to her feelings, and with the comfort and love from her friends and family, she begins to love and accept herself; even with her spots and dots. Come and travel with Pudge on her trip and meet some alluring characters along the way...

About the Author

Rebecca Redding is a writer from Collegeville, Pennsylvania. She enjoys photography, art, writing, and the beach. She has two children, Gavin and Audrey, and is married to husband, Scott, for fourteen years. Her dreams are to continue to write children's books that become a special addition to your child's home library. Her love of nature, art, humor, and biblical reference make her book, and books to come, a valued treasure for our family.