
Life Letters

by Michael W Dymond



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/03/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781496974501

About the Book

The book is about the life of two young people, Donald and Phyllis, which took root and survived through hundreds of love letters. Married in 1940, they spent four months together. For the remainder of their life, forty months, Donald spent training and guarding in Canada, preparing for the front in England and then in Europe till his death on April 30, 1945. Phyllis waited for his return while raising two children. This book contains, verbatim, many of the letters that became their life. Letters bursting with fears, hopes, and plans for how things may have been.

About the Author

Michael W Dymond, the son of Donald and Phyllis, was born and raised in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. He had been given hundreds of love letters by his mother that she had received from Donald while he was away serving his country and humanity during WWII. From this amazing collection of letters, he wrote this short book with love and in the memory of a father he never knew.