The Final Warning

Psychological Thriller Based on a Documented True Story

by George Newberry



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/12/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 322
ISBN : 9781504916400
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 322
ISBN : 9781504905688

About the Book

The Final Warning is a psychological thriller based on a documented true story. Many of the unexplainable supernatural events that occur in this story are based on actual events confirmed by court records and the legal depositions of witnesses. Father Tony DiMarco, an expert at deciphering ancient scrolls, was transferred from his parish in Los Angeles to a secret chamber deep in the bowels of The Vatican. He discovered messages hidden in ancient scrolls. They revealed the devil had challenged God. He claimed that with more power over the world, he could win more souls than God and destroy mankind. God accepted the challenge and granted the devil one-hundred years to prove it. The devil chose the Twentieth Century. The devil’s reign is over, but he left the world in chaos. Many powerful men and government leaders were greedy and corrupt. Their lust for power, fortune and fame, even at the expense of others, became their Golden Calf. Premonitions, a near-death experience, and visions gave Father DiMarco and his niece Amy Anderson, a common destiny. They must warn mankind to get their lives in order with God and start living by The Golden Rule, before it’s too late.. Their efforts to fulfill their mission placed them in the midst of a battle between the forces of good and evil. They were being watched by an evil eye. They were attacking evil and they soon learned evil attacks you back. Many supernatural experiences confronted them on their journey, but they were not going to let the forces of evil win. They had to fulfill their mission.

About the Author

George Newberry was born in Missouri and grew up in Illinois. George’s spiritual awakening came at the age of twelve, after seeing the film “The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima.” That proved to George that films do have an influence on people’s lives. At the age of fourteen, after major surgery, George had a near-death experience. He was told, “You have to go back, you have a destiny to fulfill.” In 1968, George moved to Southern California. He currently resides in Ontario and Palm Springs. He has two daughters, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. He owns and operates his own business. He is also a previously published author. In 1977, George had a dream. When his dream ended, a voice said to him, “Now you have dreamed a story, wake up, write it down, and do something with it.” That dream sent George on a mission to warn people to fight the forces of evil and to encourage them to get their lives in order with God. If George had known his effort, via a screenplay, was going to place him in the midst of a battle between the forces of good and evil, he would have began his mission with fear and trepidation. But George withstood all obstacles and fulfilled his mission. He lived the documented true story he was to tell. He wrote this book with hopes that it will inspire people to live better lives. George is a member of The Thalians, a show business charity organization founded and chaired by Debbie Reynolds and Ruta Lee. He was a member of the Beverly Hills Friar’s Club, a member of the Board of Directors of The Film Welfare League and The Pomona Valley Writer’s Association, and he is past president of The Film and Performing Artists Foundation.