Howling Changes

by W. Dockemeyer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/11/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9781504965767

About the Book

The Baker family is in for a rough road ahead of them, from everyday life and abandoned by their mother at a young age, to being teenagers and coming into their own. Till one Friday night, it all changes. Normal problems seem to fade away only to be replaced by a startling change and a fight for survival. None of them will ever be the same again.

About the Author

I currently live in Owensboro, Kentucky, but grew up in Florida. I have always loved the supernatural—vampires, werewolves, you name it. But there are a million vampire books and movies out there. On the other hand, there aren't very many good werewolf books and fewer movies. Every Halloween, as a kid, while other kids dressed up in what was popular that year, I was always the wolf man or vampire. And it hasn't changed as I have gotten older. At thirty-two, I still love the supernatural, reading every book and movie I can get a hold of. When I am not trying to write, I work on the Mississippi on a line boat, pushing barges for twenty-eight days with fourteen off. It’s a good living, but I want something to show for it when I get older. Something I can show my grandkids and say, “I accomplished this, you can too.”