Time to Kill

The Purple Ghost

by Michael W. Elliott



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/06/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 640
ISBN : 9781504914239

About the Book

Time to Kill The saga of Los Angeles homicide detectives Andrew Savage and George Hammond as they try to solve a grisly murder that took place in a wealthy part of town. The investigation takes a startling turn when they learn the blood, DNA, and fingerprints found at the scene identically match those of a two-year-old. The Purple Ghost Detectives Savage and Hammond are reunited as they try to unravel the mystery of two seemingly unrelated but curiously coincidental deaths. Two young people suddenly both die of heart attacks. They mystery comes in when the detectives realize the two were next-door neighbors, both healthy, and both died within days of each other. Was it pure coincidence, or could there be a connection?

About the Author

Mike Elliott graduated from the University of Akron with a bachelor of arts degree in mass media communication, with emphasis on journalism. He also has a minor in sociology. It was while attending the university that his writing career officially started by being a staff writer for the university newspaper. Mike is a great admirer of Rod Serling. He credits a quote from Rod as being the major influence in his writing. “I like to take ordinary people and put them in extraordinary situations.” This sums up Mike’s writing philosophy. While the actual ideas for his stories come from a variety of sources, Mike firmly asserts the characters come from within his heart, claiming there is a lot of himself in each of his characters. Mike describes himself as a hopeless romantic and aspires for these sentiments to come out in his characters. Mike was born in Akron, Ohio, and raised in Willoughby, Ohio, before returning to Akron. He now resides in Hershey, Pennsylvania. He has a daughter, Crystal Renee, who was the inspiration for many of the stories included in this collection. Mike’s passions include music, films, classic television, reading, animals, and the outdoors. Mike also enjoys sports, and while he lives in Pennsylvania, he remains a loyal fan of all the Ohio sports teams. Mike has two other books published: “The Spirit of Romance” and “Exiled.”