Praying God's Word

by Henry McBride



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/09/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781504934374

About the Book

“Praying God’s Word” is a work by author Henry McBride that is the culmination of several years of conscientious reverent study of the Bible’s New Testament Epistles and the direction given in them to those who want to adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the will of God. With all due diligence, Henry has transposed the admonitions and instructions given by the Apostle Paul and the authors of the other “Letters” into fluid, fervent personal prayers that are in the very words used by them. The universal applications from the Book of Romans through the Book of Jude has for centuries been self-evident and trusted in the pulpits, so why not use them as a basis for individual prayer? “Praying God’s Word” is not just a book, it is an experience. It is not a tutorial; instead it is a face-to-face involvement with the God of Heaven. It is not the entirety of prayer, but an encouragement to prayer, for which there is neither substitute nor shortcut. It is the author’s hope that you will begin a life altering conversation with God that will conclude when you hear Him say to you those long sought after words, “Well done you good and faithful servant!”

About the Author

Henry McBride is a layman who was born, raised, and primarily educated in Evansville, Indiana, where he currently resides. His twenty-five-plus years in Southern law enforcement as well as his involvement in the development of lesson plans for high-liability/risk law enforcement has motivated him to speak of the infinite value and the practical daily application of God’s Word in our ongoing march to a final spiritual victory. Henry’s very personal tragedies and loss in his own family, as well as his law enforcement community, has given him an urgency to help others realize that our life is but a vapor that appears for a short time and then vanishes. Consequently, how should we then speak to the God of heaven?