Thunder in the Clouds

The Making of America

by Walter W. Golden



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/01/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781504974912
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781504974899

About the Book

Calli and Beak observed and fought the revolutionary war because they were pirates that the continental congress hired. They participated in a number of skirmishes with the British and made a large impact in the war of 1812 and the Texas rebellion. Through their bravery and persistence, they helped in the struggles for survival in the early years of this county. They observed many instances of brutality, especially the massacre in Goliad, which made them more determined to continue the fight. They sailed the pirate ship, Pelican, but later sold it, because they wanted a more gentle life. Moving from a life on the sea to one of exploration and fighting on land was almost more than they could endure. Santa Ana was an elusive opponent and agile enough to avoid capture until the Texans overwhelmed the Mexican army. Calli and his ragtag band of Americans found him and turned him over to General Sam Houston. The story is seen through the eyes of the two pirates and in many cases the historical perspective is shown and comes to life as they enter the scene of many conflicts. Through their efforts and unselfish acts of many others, this nation was born and survived.

About the Author

I spent the first half of my life in college. I studied and graduated from Purdue University, where I learned the importance of understanding history. One of my professors was able to light a fire of understanding in me, and to this day, I still am very interested in historical sequences that have influenced the development of this country. I graduated from the University of Iowa, where I studied physical therapy and applied kinesiology. That training I received was used through my entire professional life. I was fortunate enough to be associated on various occasions with the giants in my profession, and they influenced me to the point of changing my concept of what causes good health. I have practiced for approximately thirty years using manual therapy techniques to rebalance the human body.