When God Change His Address

And God Shall Wipe All Tears from Their Eyes . . .

by David Taylor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/05/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9781524605025
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9781524605049

About the Book

We stand on the precipice of human history as we know it. The clock is now ticking and it is minutes before midnight; the Bride Groom is near. Believers all over the world are living with expectancy that at any moment an Angel is going to sound a trumpet so loud that the dead in Christ shall rise first to meet the Lord in the Air. While those that remain or that are alive shall be Raptured (snatched) away to joined the others standing on the clouds to meet Jesus. There they will begin that great precessional to the kingdom of heaven singing and praising God. According to the prophetic timeline and the Book of Revelation, he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Church…these are the last of the last days. The Church and the guardian of the church, the Holy Spirit is near that epic moment in which they will leave this world to take their place along side the Father and the Son. Once the redeemed and God’s precious Spirit is out of here, this world is in for an upheaval it has never known. The Anti-Christ will rise to prominence; he will dominate this world along with the False Prophet who will release demon spirits into the world and behead Christians. Jesus will come a second time, this time he’s riding on a white horse leading an army of powerful Angels to capture Satan and bound him for a thousand years. Jesus will assume King David’s throne in Jerusalem and thus begin the Millennium reign. Following the thousand year reign of Christ, Satan will be loosed for a short while only to be ultimately defeated at the cataclysmic Battle of Armageddon where he will be cast in the lake of fire to burn forever. Human history, as we know it, closes with the New Earth and New Heaven coming down out of heaven from God as a bride adorned for her husband. It has been prepared before the foundation of the World. It is shining brighter than the sun with the glory of God. Her walls are made of precious pearls, her streets are paved in Gold that is so pure that it is transparent. The City has millions of mansions tailored for God’’s Jewels (the Body of Christ). This is the New Jerusalem. It has 12 gates that are guarded by an Angel at each gate; the walls have 12 foundations and in each foundation are the names of the 12 Apostles of the Lamb. And the throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it. Make sure that you are in it.

About the Author

Dr. David Taylor Sr., (retired) internist, overseer, and pastor, came on active duty in the United States Army in September 1974 as a tanker assigned to the Second Sixty-Ninth Armor Battalion. He was later assigned duties as a certified drug and alcohol counselor. He was honorably discharged on May 13, 1981, in the country of West Germany, where he lived with his family as a pastor/missionary serving the Church of God in Christ. He travelled extensively throughout Germany and Europe including East Germany, planting churches and appointing pastors. He ventured behind the Iron Curtain (at the time), Italy, Island, and Brussels. Upon his return home in 1989, he pursued his academic career in biology, medicine, and psychology. During his studies, he pastored churches that he founded. He has interdisciplinary skills degree and a bachelor of science and medical degrees from Cameron and Oklahoma State University. He still travels and oversees the Philadelphia Christian Church in Malawi, South Africa. He is the father of five children, has nine grandchildren, and lives in Jenks, Oklahoma, with his wife, Margie, who is a registered nurse.