Prayers and Wisdom of a Father

by Steven W. Lyle



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/05/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781524608255
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781524608231

About the Book

This book represents a body of work that is a compilation of simple prayers and bits of wisdom and advice from a father to his children. The book has select excerpts from the author’s larger compilation that covers several years of daily prayers that he wrote and prayed. It is a book that can serve as a reminder to parents and to children of all ages of things that can make a difference in their life and the lives of the people they love.

About the Author

Steven W. Lyle is the author of The Power of Being Yourself; Navigating the Corporate World When You Are a Minority. He is the former director of engineering workforce development and Chief Diversity Officer of Texas Instruments. Having Spent 36 years at Texas Instruments and raising two sons in his early years at the company; he found that prayer made all the difference when facing and embracing each day both at home and at work. Over the course of many years he said and wrote prayers for his sons that he wants to share with other parents. This book is a collection of excerpts from his prayer compilation. It is his hope that it will be inspiring and uplifting for those who read them and that it will encourage the reader to consider a lifelong ritual of prayer if they have not adopted one. Steven is a US Army veteran and received the Bronze Star during the first Gulf War. He holds double degrees from Western Kentucky University in information technology and office administration and is a graduate of the Human Resource Strategic Leadership course at the University of Michigan and the Strategic Negotiations course at Harvard. He held various roles at Texas Instruments over his 36 years to include: the Chief Information Technology Officer for TI’s Consumer Products Business; the Director of Quality for TI’s Information Technology (IT) Group; the Director of the first IT Management Consulting Practice for TI’s Software Business; the Director of Business Excellence for TI’s Semiconductor Business; and the Director of Worldwide Staffing. Steven has also served on various boards throughout the years such as the UT Dallas Industry Advisory Council to the School of Engineering, the UT Dallas School of Management Industry Advisory Board, the UT Dallas Development Board the Dallas County Community College District Foundation Board, the Career Center Advisory Council at Southern Methodist University, and the Information Systems Advisory Board at Texas Tech University. He also served on an advisory council to Catalyst - The leading non-profit organization that advocates for women in business.