Death and Modern Kitchens

by Jeffery W. McKelroy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/07/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 70
ISBN : 9781524617004

About the Book

In the 1950’s and 60’s Beat writing was at the core of American literature. Writer’s such as Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and Gary Snyder challenged conventional writing and urged everyone to think in a different way. They honed their craft at City Lights Publishing in San Francisco and met after hours at a bar next door called the Vesuvio to argue art, music and politics. They changed the way people thought, what they read and even how they dressed. They allowed writers such as Charles Bukowski the ability to be accepted by the main stream. Eventually the movement died out and today is largely forgotten. Death and Modern Kitchens is a study on Beat poetry but also an honest observance of the human condition. In many ways it says what we are thinking but are not allowed to say.

About the Author

Jeffery McKelroy is the author of the book American Ghost-True Ghost Stories from around the country. He grew up on the streets of downtown New Orleans, Louisiana, the heart of music, art and culture in America. At an early age he became a fan of literature and decided to become a writer. Although with no money for college, he decided to enlist in the Coast Guard and began a 24 year journey that would take him around the world. During this time he never lost site of his dream and spent any idle time at sea writing everything down. Over the years he became a student of history but most of all, the human condition and the experiences and emotions that make us all who we are. Jeffery McKelroy earned the Coast Guard Achievement Medal during search and rescue efforts during Hurricane Katrina and has a degree in Electrical Engineering.