The Little White Butterfly

by Barbara W. Ingham



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/04/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781524680305

About the Book

How often have you thought that you were just ordinary and nothing special? How often have you found something difficult and have thought of giving up? This story is a tale of showing how through friendship and sharing, being unique, and being accepted we can overcome our own personal difficulties.

About the Author

Barbara W. Ingham is a school teacher working at Caistor C of E and Methodist Primary School in Lincolnshire. What inspired her to write this particular children’s book was her nephew Daniel. Daniel was a Downs Syndrome baby, who bought such a lot of joy to our lives. He was our shiny butterfly. Read all about Daniel’s remarkable journey and how he touched the hearts of everyone who knew him. It is a tale of courage, tenderness and perseverance.